Туристически продукти, които предлага община СтрелчаTourist product offered in Strelcha MunicipalityБалнеоложки туризъмСтрелча е един от известните балнеолечебни курорти в България, обявен за национален през 1969 г. Естествените минерални извори в общината датират още от времето на древните римляни и траки. На територията на общината има три естествени минерални извора (Банският извор, Топлата чешма и Банчето) и три сондажа (С-2, С-3 и С-4).
Температурата на водата варира от 56°C до 23°C
Водата на изворите се използва за лечение на:
- Заболявания на опорно-двигателния апарат
- Заболявания на периферната нервна система
- Заболявания на дихателната система
- Бъбречно-урологични
- Обменно-ендокринни
- Заболявания на сърдечно-съдовата система
- Заболявания на половата система
- Жлъчно-чернодробни заболявания
Balneological tourismStrelcha is one of the famous balneological resorts in Bulgaria, declared as a national resort in 1969. The natural mineral springs in the municipality date back to Roman and Thracians times. There are three natural mineral springs (well Banski, Toplata cheshma and Bancheto) and three wells (C-2, C-3 and C-4) at the territory of the municipality. The water temperature
ranges from 56ーC to 23°C. The water of springs is used for treatment of:
Diseases of the locomotory system
Diseases of Peripheral nervous system
Gastrointestinal diseases
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Diseases of the respiratory system
Exchange-endocrine diseases
Diseases of the reproductive system and skin diseases
Hepato-biliary disorders Renal-urologic diseases
Strelcha Mineral WaterMineral water can be used for external, peroral and inhalation application and for prophylactic purposes. It is slightly mineralized,
sulphate-hydro-carbonate-sodium and fluorine with temperature of 56°C.
The main services offered in the places for balneological treatment in Strelcha are as follows:
Pool and baths with mineral water | Galvanization and electrophoresis with medicinal preparations | Sinusoidal-modulated currents and Interference |
Pearl bath | Application of low-frequency magnetic field pulse | Dynamic currants and diadinamoforeza |
Manual and underwater massage | Electrostimulation | Treatment with paraffin |
Ultrasound (including underwater) and phonophoresis | Phototherapy - exposure to solux (infraredlight) and ultraviolet | Group or individual remedial gymnastics and underwater remedial gymnastics |
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There are several sites for recreation in Strelcha that offer medical procedures using mineral water – the recreation base of the Ministry of Interior and balneological hotel “Roza”.